The open weather dataset

MeteoNet is a meteorological dataset developed and made available by METEO FRANCE, the French national meteorological service.
We aim to provide an easy and ready to use dataset for Data Scientists who want to try their hand on weather data.

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The dataset

The dataset contains full time series of satellite and radar images, weather models and ground observations.
To keep the dataset at a reasonable size, the data covers two geographic areas of 550km x 550km on the Mediterranean and Brittany coasts, and spans over 3 years, 2016 to 2018.

We have prepared this free dataset to let the data science community play with it.
Explore it today!

Data Types

Ground observations

500 ground stations measuring pressure, temperature, humidity...
Recorded every 6 min

Land-sea and relief masks

Land-sea (binary) and relief (meters) masks

Weather models

Forecasts from 2 weather models
2D and 3D parameters
Generated once a day

Precipitation radar

Radar reflectivity
Total rainfall and quality code
Recorded every 5 min

Satellite data

Cloud Type (CT), recorded every 15 min
Channels (visible, infrared), recorded every 1 hour

The data have been carefully chosen to remain reasonable in size. The full dataset weights 218GB but most packages are only a few GB. If you have a small hard drive, you can download only part of them.
See documentation.

New to MeteoNet? Check out our Toolbox!

Have a look at our toolbox which includes data samples from MeteoNet written in python language and our tutorials/documentation which help you explore and cross-check all data types.

Get MeteoNet Toolbox

Download Area

This dataset is yours to explore!

Play with it and if you send us your results, we could showcase them on this website!

Download MeteoNet


The data are also available on Kaggle with notebooks to help you explore and cross-check all data types!
You can contribute to challenges and/or propose yours!
Time series prediction
Rainfall nowcasting
Cloud cover nowcasting
Observation data correction

Kaggle page Tutorial

The community's work

Featured projects

You did something interesting with our dataset? Want your project to be showcased here?
Write a blog, contact us on GitHub, and we will come back to you!


Need help? Checkout our documentation, post an issue on our GitHub repository or go to our Slack workspace!

Documentation GitHub Slack

Other data

Other data from METEO FRANCE

You can find other data on METEO FRANCE public data website. It features real-time, past and forecast data: in situ observations, radar observations, numerical weather models, climate data, climate forecasts and much more!


The Dataset is licenced by METEO FRANCE under Etalab Open Licence 2.0.

Reuse of the dataset is free, subject to an acknowledgement of authorship. For example:
"METEO FRANCE - Original data downloaded from, updated on 30 January 2020".

When using this dataset in a publication, please cite:
Gwennaëlle Larvor, Léa Berthomier, Vincent Chabot, Brice Le Pape, Bruno Pradel, Lior Perez. MeteoNet, an open reference weather dataset by METEO FRANCE, 2020